Healthcare Academy
Contact Information
Mrs. Angela Brooder
HCA Director
LHS Rooms 134 & S11
The Lancaster Healthcare Academy is designed for students who are interested in exploring health-related careers. During the three year curriculum, classes will visit health care facilities, host various health professionals, and discuss current trends in health care. It is the perfect opportunity to get a head start in the competitive and rewarding health care field.
Students in the academy complete a series of 3 courses - Introduction to Health Careers, Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology II with lab.
In addition to course work, students are required to attend monthly academy meetings and complete 20 service hours. These service hours can be completed at healthcare facilities, volunteering for healthcare related events (such as Relay for Life or a benefit event), or for helping with academy activities. Students may also complete internships in healthcare fields.
Many of the HCA Alumni are currently enrolled in pre-medical programs and other healthcare majors, such as Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, PT and nursing. Most students are accepted to their first choice school and program.
Apply to the Healthcare Academy
Freshmen may apply in January. Review the Academies Home Page for details.