- Daily Announcements
- LHS Newsletter
- 2024-25 Student Parking Information
- College & Trades Visits
- Military Visits
- Mandated Freshman and Transfer Student Parent/Guardian Meeting
- Parent Portal Registration/Annual Verification
- Fire Inspection Notice
Daily Announcements
Good Morning, today is Monday, January 13, and today is day 4.
- LIFT, a club whose members explore Bible verses and apply them as a way to develop character, will be meeting right after school until 2:45 on Tuesday, January 14 in Room 112. Everyone is welcome. See you there!
- Please join the Arts Academy students for their Recital and Art Show on Monday January 13 and Tuesday January 14. The Exhibit will be open from 6-9pm, and the Recital begins at 7pm in the Music Hall.
- There will be a meeting of Students for a Better World on Wednesday the 15th after school in room 234. All students are welcome!
- The Library will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 14th for a scheduled event.
Good Morning, today is Tuesday, January 14, and today is day 5.
- LIFT, a club whose members explore Bible verses and apply them as a way to develop character, will be meeting right after school until 2:45 on Tuesday, January 14 in Room 112. Everyone is welcome. See you there!
- There will be a meeting of Students for a Better World on Wednesday the 15th after school in room 234. All students are welcome!
- Please join the Arts Academy students for their Recital and Art Show on Monday January 13 and Tuesday January 14. The Exhibit will be open from 6-9pm, and the Recital begins at 7pm in the Music Hall.
- The Library will be closed today for a scheduled event.
Good Morning, today is Wednesday, January 15, and today is day 6.
- Today is recycling day, please put your bins and bottles outside your room 5th period! Thank you
- There will be a meeting of Students for a Better World on Wednesday the 15th after school in room 234. All students are welcome!
- Attention all French Honor Society members, our next meeting is tomorrow Thursday January 16 after school in room 226. A Bientot!
LHS Newsletter
September /October 2024
September/October Newsletter Download
September / October Newsletter Transcript Only
Important Dates
August 2024
27 Freshman Orientation (3:45pm-7:30pm)
28 Transfer Student Program (10am-12:45pm)
28 Locker Registration/ Agenda Planner
8am-10am & 1pm-3pm - Cafeteria
28 Parking Permit Purchase - Juniors and Seniors
8am-10am & 1pm-3pm - Cafeteria
September 2024
3 First Day of School
5&6 Underclassmen School Portraits
13 Freshman Mixer (7-10 pm)
27 Courtyard Dance (7-10 pm)
October 2024
3 LHS Open House
14 No School
15&16 Senior Portrait Retakes
21-26 Spirit Week
25 Underclassman Portrait Retakes
25 Lancaster/Depew Football Game @ Depew
26 Homecoming
If you have a change of address, phone number or email address you must contact the Registrar’s Office.
Annual FERPA Notification
Letter from the Principal
August 9, 2024
Dear Lancaster High School Parents and Guardians:
My hope is you had the time this summer to enjoy some wonderful experiences with the ones you love most. As a parent of two children in our district, I am often reminded of the excitement and apprehension for parents and students in preparing for the start of the school year. August will always feel different. The daylight feels a little shorter, the trees begin to change color, and we all do our best to hold onto the final weekends of summer. On behalf of the Lancaster High School Faculty and Staff, I would like to welcome everyone to the 2024-25 school year.
Over the course of the summer, we have worked on finalizing hiring for a variety of positions that were vacated due to retirements. We welcome these new faces to our building and we are happy they have joined our Legendary Faculty. Throughout July and August, the majority of our summer school programs were hosted at the Middle School. Our traditional summer school program once again provided our students with access to coursework that was not attained throughout the school year through a variety of credit recovery options. Additionally, for our fourth consecutive year, in collaboration with the Lancaster Police Department and the Lancaster Youth Bureau, a Police Academy with an embedded Forensics course was offered for our students. This commitment to students is always so impressive to witness.
On the administrative side, we’ve spent time retooling our student planners/handbooks to ensure they are consistent with our expectations for students. As we approach the final weeks of August we are finalizing our teacher and student schedules and going through the remaining “checklist” of items to prepare for the return of students. We thank our student leaders who are feverishly working on the welcome-back programs for our students. This could not be possible without their leadership.
Our goal, as always, is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education and to prepare them for life beyond our hallways. I challenge our students to set the tone for this school year and to get the most out of their experiences here. Each class is supposed to build upon the next because that is where tradition is sustained. We have a solid selection of Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit courses, 7 Academy Programs, a tremendous amount of offerings in all academic and special areas, a robust music program and over 120 extracurricular clubs and athletic teams. If you still have questions, please call our school at (716) 686-3255.
It goes without saying that we are excited about this upcoming school year. Thank you for your continued support. We cannot wait to welcome back our students in September and look forward to what the new school year will bring.
Michael Candella
From the counseling center………
Student Schedules
Schedules will be available on the student/parent portal prior to the start of school. You will be receiving an automated telephone call advising when student schedules can be accessed. We appreciate your patience. Please know that teacher changes are not accommodated. For a variety of reasons, schedules will continue to change until the first day. Please note, it is expected that students sustain 6 academic periods and physical education within their schedules for each semester.
Counselor Caseload
Please note there has been a change to the Counselor’s assigned alphabet. The new breakdown is below. Please look this over to determine if it affects your student.
A - Cra Mrs. Hewett X3229
Crb - Gra Mrs. O’Connor X3265
Grb - Kro Mrs. Hejaily X3264
Krp - Neu Mrs. Coleman X3263
Nev - Pl Mr. Marchese X3853
Pm - Stam Miss Rinow X3399
Stan - Z Mrs. Len X3261
Please visit the Counseling Center’s Website for additional information.
From The LHS Health Office
Health Office Emergency Contacts: A Health Office Update Form was mailed to households in August. Please complete one form for each student attending the High School. If you need additional forms or information, they are available in the Health Office, or can be found on the Health Office webpage of the LHS website at the following link: Health Office Update
Students should bring the completed forms to the Health Office beginning the first day of school.
Dental Health: NYS is requesting that your child have a dental exam upon entry into grade 10, or for any new entrant into LHS. The Dental Health Certificate can also be found on the Health Office webpage at the following link: Dental Health Certificate. Please note that this exam is requested, not mandatory.
Seniors: As of September 2016, all incoming grade 12 students are mandated by NYS to have an updated meningococcal vaccine. You should have received a letter regarding this if your student is not current with this vaccine. Grade 12 students will be held out of school in September if this vaccine is not current.
Health Screenings: Height, weight, vision and hearing testing will begin in late fall for all 11th graders. Testing will take place during physical education classes. Students in grades 9, 10, and 12 will only have their height and weight completed, as per NYS Mandate. Please remind your 11th grader to wear their contacts, or have their glasses with them on a regular basis. This will give us the correct results in our testing, and save you unnecessary visits to your eye doctor.
Sick Students: As always, any sick student should report to the Health Office after receiving a pass from their teacher. All contact to a parent during the school day that is related to illness Must be made through the Health Office Only. Safety is our priority -- with this in mind, students are not permitted to use their cell phones to call, text, or email a parent (or other) to make their own arrangements to get picked up. Disciplinary action will result. Please feel free to contact the nurse with any questions, 716-686-3266.
Winter Sports: Winter sports online sign-ups are scheduled to start October 7, 2024. Please check the Athletic Department’s web page frequently for information regarding the Winter athletic season. All athletes must have a current physical (within one year of the season start date) on file in the Health Office by November 1st. Send physicals by: mail, student drop-off, fax (716-686-3268), or email (pscarpello@lancasterschools.org or eceppaglia@lancaster.org). If we do not have the paperwork in the Health Office by November 1st, there may be a delay for the athlete to start the season.
If there are any questions, please call the Health Office at 716-686-3266 or 716-686-3343.
Important LHS Policy Reminders
Cell Phone Policy
Students are permitted to possess cell phones. Classroom use is at the discretion of the teacher and should be used for instructional purposes only. Cell phone use must be appropriate at all times, adhering to the LCSD Code of Conduct and the LHS Student Planner. Students are prohibited from using them in any manner which invades a person's privacy, disrupts the educational environment, or endangers the safety of other students, employees, volunteers or visitors.
If a student violates this provision, then he/she is subject to discipline under the Code of Conduct that may be applicable to the circumstances involved. The student is required to turn over the cell phone to the teacher when asked.
No Smoking / No Vaping
Possessing, distributing, or smoking a cigarette, e-cigarette or similar device, cigar, pipe or using chewing or smokeless tobacco on district property, at school sponsored or school related activities, and all athletic contests is prohibited. This may include properties adjacent to school buildings. An authorized school official may conduct a search utilizing a handheld detector when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the student has violated the law or the Code of Conduct. Any student in violation will be subject to discipline up to and including suspension from school.
Possessing, distributing, or smoking a cigarette, e-cigarette or similar device, cigar, pipe or using chewing or smokeless tobacco on district property, at school sponsored or school related activities, and all athletic contests is prohibited. This may include properties adjacent to school buildings. Students who are suspected to have prohibited paraphernalia in their possession may be subject to the use of a handheld detector. Any student in violation will be subject to discipline up to and including suspension from school.
E-Cigarettes or similar devices that are confiscated
will not be returned to the student or guardians.
They will instead be discarded by the Lancaster Police Department, due to the possibility of illegal substances being contained within them.
Vapes are subject to testing for illegal or inappropriate substances.
For additional information regarding this policy please see the student academic planner.
Academic Eligibility - A student must maintain an overall quarterly average of 72.00% to participate unconditionally in all extracurricular activities and sports.
Chromebooks -Students are issued a Chromebook device, case, and power supply cord for use during the school year. There is no cost to receive these items as it is a primary educational tool. Cases are not to be removed. Damage and or loss of device due to failure to properly care and maintain the device will result in repair and/or replacement charges being levied to the student.
Important LHS Attendance Policy Reminders
Absence From School - A note for the absence must be turned in to the attendance office within 5 days for an absence to be considered an excused absence. The note must have the date of the absence, student name, student ID number and the reason for the absence written on it. Parents/Guardians do not need to call to report their child absent, only the absent note is required to be brought in within 5 days.
Late To School - Any student who comes to school late must bring a note from their parent/guardian upon arrival. After the third instance that a student is late to school without a note, detention will be assigned. Students must attend 5 periods (more than half the day) to get credit for a school day to participate in that day’s clubs, activities or sports.
Early Dismissal - A note signed by a parent/guardian is needed noting the students name, date, time of release and reason for early dismissal with a verifying phone number. Early dismissal notes should be turned in to the Main/Attendance Office by 8:15am to receive an Early Dismissal Pass. As long as the student has an Early Dismissal Pass their transportation does not need to come into the building to sign them out. Forgot your note or have an unexpected early dismissal only a parent/guardian or listed emergency contact in eSchool will be permitted to sign out students, ID is required and checked in the Main Office before students are released. Emergency contacts can be viewed and updated on the Parent Portal :
LCSD Food Service Webpage
Free/ Reduced Lunch Information
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES
Online meal application
Questions concerning LCDS Food Service please call (716) 686-3246.
High School Activities
Lancaster High School has many events and activities year round. IFor the latest information check out the school website: https://lhs.lancasterschools.org/
2024/2025 School Year Parking Permits
How to purchase a parking pass:
Step 1: Complete this electronic Parking Registration Form which can also be found on the Lancaster High School Webpage..
Step 2: Pick up Parking Pass in the cafeteria on Wednesday, August 28th from 8 AM - 10 AM and 1 PM to 3 PM. Students will need to bring the $50.00 parking fee. We accept checks made payable to Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) or EXACT cash. We do not have change to give, if you are paying in cash please have exact payment. We are not set up to accept credit card payments. If a student can not come on August 28th, they may report to room #102 (Assistant Principal's office) at the high school on the first day of school.
Step 3: Your parking pass MUST be displayed on your rearview mirror facing out whenever you are parked on campus.
1) Driving to school is a privilege, not a right. All general rules of the building also apply to the parking lots and school grounds. Violation of any school rules/policy, including the Driving/Parking rules, may result in parking privileges being suspended or revoked without a refund. This will be reinforced by administration.
2) The parking hang tag issued to the student must be visible at all times, on the rear-view mirror facing out.
3) If your car breaks down and you borrow a car temporarily, you may move your parking pass from your primary vehicle to your temporary vehicle. Parking hang tags cannot be transferred to other students, if done, the hang tag will be confiscated without a refund.
4) It is the responsibility of the student to report lost or stolen permits to room #102. Lost/stolen permits found in use will be confiscated.
5) Students must obey the posted speed limit and drive in a prudent and safe manner.
6) The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of the student parking lots and inspections of the exterior and interior of student vehicles while on school property.
7) All parking violations/tickets are issued by the Lancaster town police department. The parking violation fine is $25.00 and is payable to the Lancaster town court, not the school. It is up to the discretion of the Lancaster police if a parking ticket is issued, warnings are not given.
8) Students may park in any student spot in the north lot, south lot or field house lot. There are plenty of student parking spaces available. Please Do Not park in a faculty spot, in front of the building, or in an unauthorized area. This may result in a parking ticket and/or tow.
9) Please report vehicle make/model and license plate number changes to room 102. Lancaster High School reserves the right to perform checks to ensure that the vehicle registered at the time of the parking permit purchase is the same.
10) Lancaster town police supervise the outside campus area. Please keep your cars locked at all times. Lancaster high school is not responsible for lost/stolen property or damage while on school grounds.
11) Parking permits from previous school years are not valid.
Picture Dates:
September 5 & 6, 2024 - Grades 9,10,11 & Staff - Java Gym
October 15 & 16, 2024 - Senior Retakes - Media Center
October 25, 2024 - Retakes Grades 9,10,11 & Staff - Media Center
Upstate Images photographers will be at the HS on September 5th & 6th in the gym taking school portraits.
24-25 FALL UC - Lancaster High School - NY74310 (imagequix.com)
Senior Baby Patrons
Information will be mailed home to all senior parents/guardians regarding baby patrons later this fall. We will also schedule a Google Meet live demonstration on the process - date to follow.
Freshman Orientation
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
3:45pm -7:30pm
1 Forton Drive Lancaster NY 14086
Come learn the ins and outs of LHS. Dress casual!
You are invited to this year’s freshman mixer!
Have a “Roaring time at
Your First High School Dance! Join us on
Friday, September 13th from 7Pm - 10Pm
Tickets are $5 Presale Only
Dress Casual
Courtyard Dance
Friday, September 27, 2024
Tickets can be bought in lunches and in Room 124 for $5.00
Dress Buffalo/716 themed!
November/December 2024
November / December Newsletter Download
November / December Newsletter Transcript Only
Important Dates
11/08/24 1st Marking Period Ends
11/11/24 Veterans Day No School
11/15/24 Report Cards Post to Portal
11/27/24 - 11/29/24 Thanksgiving Recess
12/23/24 - 1/1/25 Winter Recess
If you have a change of address, phone number or email address you must contact the Registrar’s Office. (716)-686-3218
Dear Lancaster High School Families,
As we approach the close of our first marking period, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful start to the school year we’ve had. From an energizing Spirit Week filled with tradition to our students’ enthusiastic participation in classes, clubs, and sports, the school year is off to an amazing start. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making these experiences memorable for our students. It’s my sincere hope that these moments will be highlights students cherish long after graduation.
As we move forward, we encourage all students to stay actively engaged in both academics and extracurricular activities. We believe that each student’s high school experience is enriched when they balance classroom efforts with participation in our school traditions. Whether through joining a club, trying out for a sport, or taking on a leadership role, students can build connections, explore their passions, and develop skills that will serve them better in life.
Our commitment to providing meaningful and engaging opportunities for each student is as strong as ever. This Fall, our sports teams have demonstrated skill, teamwork, and perseverance, and we look forward to an exciting Winter season ahead. Many of our teams and athletes are advancing to the post season and they continue to make Lancaster proud. The music program has already delighted us with some concerts, and we await the final release of the selection for the musical. In our classrooms, students in each academy program are exploring their career paths through hands-on projects, guest speakers, and internships. Behind the scenes, our dedicated counselors, social workers, psychologists, and special education staff work to support every student’s journey academically, socially, and emotionally.
With the holiday season around the corner, we’re reminded of the importance of family, gratitude, and community. Many of our students are already planning ways to give back, whether through volunteer work, food drives, or events that brighten our school and local community. Our students’ compassion and generosity make us all incredibly proud. As we move into the colder months, please enjoy this time with family and friends. No matter how you celebrate, we wish you a season filled with warmth, peace, and happiness.
Michael Candella
From the Health Office
Physical Information 2024-2025
Mandated Physicals
New York State Education Law requires that a physical exam be done on all new registrants and at specific intervals: grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. At Lancaster High School, ALL students in grades 9 and 11 must have their mandated physical on file in the high school’s health office by May 1st of their 9th and 11th grade year. Failure to comply with this may result in your child being excluded from school.
Sports Physicals
All students must have a current physical on file in the health office prior to the start of the sports season to be eligible to participate in the interscholastic sports program at Lancaster High School. Physicals must be dated, at most, one year prior to the first day of the month that the sport season starts (i.e., if tryouts start on March 11, 2024 - physicals must be dated March 1, 2023 or later for that sport season).
No Student Will Be Allowed To Try Out For Any Sport Without A Valid Physical On File. No Exceptions.
All physicals (sports, mandated, or working paper physicals) may be done by your own physician. These physicals must be documented on the “Required NYS School Health Examination” form available on the district and high school websites or in the Health Office.
Sports, working paper, and mandated physicals are also offered by the school free of charge. Lancaster High School will offer physicals prior to the Fall, Winter and Spring sport seasons, as well as in May. Parents must contact the health office (call, email or written note) if they are interested in scheduling their student for a school physical, performed by the school physician.
Parents interested in having their child take advantage of the Spring school physicals must contact the health office in February. No requests to schedule a physical will be accepted after February 28th.
Just a reminder, if your student receives a physical in the middle of the year, don’t wait to send it in. Send it in as soon as possible.
Sick Students
Important reminder, please do NOT send your child to school if they are not feeling well.
Please call the LHS Health Office with any questions or concerns at 716-686-3266.
The English Department
The Lancaster High School English Department is proud to offer a number of electives and advanced classes within our program. Please see your counselor or English teacher if you would like additional information on any of these course offerings.
Pre-Ap English Ii (9th Grade)
Pre AP English 9 builds on the foundation of Pre AP English I (8th grade), with an emphasis on the recursive moves that matter in preparing students for the challenges of college-level reading, writing, and discussion (students are not required to have taken Pre-AP English 8 to take this course). While Pre AP English 8 introduces the fundamental routines of close observation, critical analysis, and appreciation of author’s craft, Pre AP English 9 requires students to apply those same practices to a new host of nonfiction and literary texts. As readers, students develop a vigilant awareness of how the poet, playwright, novelist, and writer of nonfiction alike can masterfully manipulate language to serve their unique purposes. As writers, students compose more nuanced analytical essays without losing sight of the importance of well-crafted sentences and a sense of cohesion.
AP Seminar(10th Grade)
AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students learn to investigate a problem or issue, analyze arguments, compare different perspectives, synthesize information from multiple sources, and work alone and in a group to communicate their ideas. Literary topics for study include mythology, non-fiction and fiction prose and poetry will also be covered.
AP Language And Composition
This is an intensive writing course designed to prepare students for the rigors of college writing and for the Advanced Placement Exam in composition. It is modeled after a typical “Freshman Composition” course and focuses primarily on rhetorical analysis of non-fiction books, essays, and articles. Rhetoric can be defined as “the study and the art of using language effectively.” Using Aristotle’s model of the rhetorical triangle (Word/Logos; Author/Ethos; Audience/Pathos), students will learn to analyze the language choices authors use to create meaningful and persuasive texts. Students will write weekly essays focusing on analysis, persuasion, and synthesis while developing their own voice and style. A summer reading/writing assignment will be given in May and will be due the first day of school. Students will be asked to sign a contract upon registering for this course.
AP Literature And Composition
Students have been reading, writing, and studying various forms of prose and poetry throughout high school. The process in English Literature and Composition involves a more in-depth approach to understanding and analyzing what students read, as well as considering structure, style, and specific elements, such as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone. This course is geared to prepare the 12th grade student for the National Advanced Placement Exam in Literature and Composition and/or to challenge the above average student of English. Using a comparative analysis approach to literature, students read, analyze and compare works according to subject, form and point of view. Literature is taken from over 600 years of poetry and prose. College application work is focused in September and October in the classroom and in conjunction with counseling using Naviance. Literature analysis, comparative study of writing styles, and techniques used through various centuries is studied. A summer reading, writing, and research project is given in June and is due on the first day of class.
Print Journalism
The student will learn the fundamentals of print journalism: writing, editing, and producing a paper. Evidence of this knowledge will be shown in the staffing and production of the school's newspaper. This is a "hands-on" course. Dual enrollment is available through Buffalo State University.
Broadcast Journalism And Media Studies
Broadcast media is the focus of this course. The course will address current media issues including television advertising, radio and television news, talk shows, and entertainment news. Students will have an opportunity to create their own commercials and talk shows. Dual enrollment is available through Buffalo State University.
Art Honor Society
Mrs.Demski’s Art Honor Society students worked together as a group to create a photo backdrop for the bonfire this month. During the bonfire, students and adults will be able to freely pose for a picture as the two firemen and their dalmatian.
Art honors students cited that they want to see more art around the school, and to be involved with more activities.
Students designed and painted the backdrop, and Mr. Outten from the Technology Department helped the Art Honors students to create a stand for the backdrop as well.
Lancaster High School Library *2024-2025*
The Lancaster High School Library is a very important part of our school environment. We support the instructional program by integrating our resources and expertise into grade-level subject areas. Our goal is to teach students how to access and use information in a variety of formats both in class and on an individual basis. We encourage students to use the Library for quiet study and informational needs in addition to personal enrichment. Our goal is to encourage positive experiences that will help students grow to become proficient lifelong learners and library users.
In our digital society, students need to be college and career ready in order to meet today’s rapidly changing technologies. Students need libraries more than ever to help them navigate through the myriad of information available to them. Information technology is embedded into nearly every aspect of today’s curriculum.
In our three instructional areas, our Library offers space with desktop computers, as well as WiFi internet access for those using Chromebooks and personal devices. We make available an extensive array of research databases, thousands of print books and numerous non-book materials including electronic books (eBooks), audiobooks and other audio/visual material. Students may come to the Library both individually and with their classes to meet their research and reading needs.
The librarians offer the following Library services to our students and faculty:
Connect students and teachers to high-quality resources
Help students to learn and use new and emerging technologies
Orientation to the Library and available resources
Reading advisement - Book Sampling
Reference assistance for research projects and personal inquiry
Please visit our LHS Library Welcome Page to connect to…
Destiny Discover -- The Online Public Access Catalog where students can access and search the library collection.
Sora – Through the Sora app, students are able to download and read a great selection of eBooks or download audiobooks for listening. Using your school log-in and password (Google sign-in credentials) you may download e-books or audiobooks to tablets, smartphones, laptops, computers and e-readers.
Research Databases – Access the online databases from home or on campus to access a wide variety of topics. The usernames and passwords can be found in the student planner.
Explore this and more of the information available online through the library homepage.
We’re excited to announce that over 80 students have joined our DECA chapter, and they are already hard at work preparing for their upcoming regional competition which will take place in December at the Niagara Falls Convention Center. DECA provides an invaluable opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge of business and marketing while competing against peers from other schools across the greater Buffalo-Niagara region. This year, our students have chosen a variety of events in categories like Entrepreneurship, Finance, Business Management, Marketing, and Hospitality & Tourism.
Students who place at regionals will have the opportunity to advance to the state competition, in March. This progression through competition levels provides invaluable learning experiences for students, building both their practical business knowledge and their 21st Century workplace skills.
We are always looking to partner with business professionals who can help our students succeed! If you are interested in helping our DECA members prepare by coaching or judging at competitions, or if you’d like to support our club through fundraisers, we would love to hear from you. With your help, we can make a difference for our students and help them succeed at regionals and beyond. Please reach out to Mrs. Cindy Gould at cgould@lancasterschools.org if you are interested!
January/February 2025
January / February Newsletter Download
January / February Newsletter Transcript Only
Important Dates
1/20/25 - MLK Day No School
1/23/25 - 6:30pm Academy Night for Freshmen
1/24/25 - 2nd Marking Period Ends
Reorganization Day No School Grades 7-12
1/29/25- Lunar New Year No School
1/31/25 - Report Cards on Portal
2/17/25 - 2/21/25 Mid Winter Recess No School
Spring Sports Registration
Online sign ups will be 2/3/25 - 2/10/25.
Consent forms are due by 2/13/25.
The spring season starts 3/17/25 with modified sports starting 3/24/25.
For more information, visit the Athletic Webpage.
A letter from the Principal
Dear Lancaster High School Families,
As we bring in the New Year, we become accustomed to reflecting on our achievements and aspirations for the near future. In education, this period is pivotal for evaluating our progress and establishing goals to support our students’ academic success. Daily, we witness remarkable learning experiences within our classrooms, and our administrative team is profoundly grateful for the dedication of our exceptional professionals who are committed to our students’ growth.
At a recent Board of Education meeting, I had the privilege of observing presidents and representatives from graduating classes present the culmination of the Lancaster Laude Honors System. This is a legacy project marking almost 10 years of work. Passed on from generation to generation, these outstanding young adults provided a comprehensive update on this initiative. This system broadens recognition and aligns with the core values and expectations of Lancaster High School I extend my heartfelt thanks to our alumni and former administrators, particularly Mr. Marchioli and Dr. Vallely, for laying the groundwork, and to our current student leaders for their dedication in bringing this vision to fruition. For more detailed information and context, I encourage you to consult our updated Course Description Guide which is available on our school’s website.
As the calendar turns, we commence preparations for the upcoming academic year. We recently hosted our Annual 8th Grade Information Night for the prospective Class of 2029. This is an inaugural opportunity for future students to experience our school firsthand. Families from all core and elective departments engaged in presentations, while members of our Leadership Program facilitated building tours and conducted a Q&A session about student life. For our returning students, the course selection process for the next academic year is underway. In the coming months, your child will make pivotal decisions regarding course offerings. As we prepare students for life beyond Lancaster, we encourage them to challenge themselves with a comprehensive course load and to fully utilize the diverse opportunities available.
We acknowledge that many of our seniors are eagerly anticipating the announcement of our graduation date and venue. Please be assured that we are diligently working to finalize these details and will communicate them promptly. As a fellow parent within this district, I share your anticipation and remain committed, alongside our administrative team, to ensuring that this milestone celebration meets the high standards our community expects.
As we embark on 2025, I am personally grateful for the health and well-being of the people around me. Should you have any concerns or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. On behalf of the entire staff, I extend our best wishes for a prosperous and fulfilling New Year to all our families.
Michael Candella
World Languages
New World Language Curriculum in New York
World language education in New York is transforming! Students have been experiencing a refreshed curriculum designed to build practical language skills and deepen cultural understanding.
What’s New?
"World Languages" Title: Replaces "foreign languages."
Three Modes of Communication:
Interpersonal: Conversations
Interpretive: Understanding spoken/written language
Presentational: Creating presentations
Checkpoints: Beginner (A), Intermediate Low (B), Intermediate Mid-High (C)
Cultural Focus: Emphasizes cultural practices, products, and perspectives.
Our teachers have been enthusiastically preparing by attending dynamic conferences and hands-on workshops, gaining fresh ideas and innovative strategies to inspire their students. The Lancaster World Language department is excited to support our students in becoming global citizens!
2025-2026 Electives
World Tourism
Does world travel ever interest you but seem too overwhelming to consider? Then you should try this course. It will provide real world skills for all aspects of the tourism industry including air and land transportation, cruises, all-inclusive resorts, various accommodations, tour vs travel terminology, world geography, types of travelers, most popular travel destinations, and much more. The world’s most stunning and even mysterious places will be explored through Google Maps, breath-taking videos, and other engaging experiences. Travel safety concerns and precautions will also be addressed. Project-based learning, daily conversations, low-anxiety games, and other thoughtful student-centered activities will be used to help students build their knowledge of the world as well as inspire their Wanderlust. This course will end in a final project instead of an exam. This course is taught in English
Cultural Awareness & Competency
View the world’s cultures through a different and unique lens! Understand the phenomena that occur when cultures come into contact! This course is for students who truly wish to examine similarities and differences among the world’s cultures, build relationships, empathize and establish trust with people from diverse backgrounds. Throughout this 20-week course, students will develop a thorough understanding of the concept of culture and cultural diversity by examining language, education and work philosophies, religion, history, symbols, traditions, family values, foods, physical environment, and societal influences. Students will learn how to successfully interpret the behaviors of and interact with someone from a different culture as well as increased awareness of their own cultural backgrounds. Daily classroom activities will be fun, lively, reflective, and engaging. This course is taught in English and concludes with a final project.
Email your counselor to add them to your schedule!
2024-2025 Course Description Guide
From the Math Department…..
We are excited to announce that the Math Department is now offering college credit through SUNY Buffalo State University. Students in AP Calculus & AP Statistics may opt for AP credit or SUNY college credit, and the Pre-Calculus class offers SUNY college credit.
Our College Math class may earn SUNY college credits through Erie Community College. Please keep these courses in mind as your student begins to plan for their schedule next year.
Math Learning Center Schedule for 2024-2025 School year:
The Math Learning Center is located in the Cyber Café and is open during periods 4, 5, 6 and 7 this year. Any student with a lunch or study hall during those periods may come directly to the learning center for math help.
Math Honor Society
Our 23rd annual Math Honor Society Induction Ceremony, was held on November 5, 2024. MHS inducted 40 new members, bringing our total membership to 87 members for the 2024-25 school year. Congratulations to all newly inducted members.
MHS Monthly Project Days
Math Honor Society’s project this year is creating a gift to be given to all teachers on Pi-Day. Students are working on craft projects from September through February. These crafts projects will be given to teachers on Pi-Day (3-14-25)
MHS Toy Drive Project
Every year in December, MHS holds its Toy Drive Project. Members are asked to bring in a toy to be distributed to families in Lancaster during the holidays. Toys are delivered to the Lancaster Youth Bureau and they handle the distribution to the families.
Service Projects and Events for MHS:
Sept - May: Peer Tutor in Learning Center
Sept – Feb: Monthly project dates for MHS Service Project
Nov: Induction Ceremony
Dec: Toy Drive Project
March: Care Package Project
May: 2024-25 NYSMHS Scholarship Applications
June - Senior Recognition Ceremony
Family and Consumer Science Department
Student Recognition:
The FACS department is honored to share Student of the Month award recipients for the year thus far. They are:
September: Alyssa Staskiewicz
October: Olivia Jacobson
November: Jena Denz
December: Aaron Shields
Congratulations to these very hard-working students!
Thinking Ahead for the 2025-2026 School Year? Why Not Try a Course In Family and Consumer Science!?
Family and Consumer Science courses prepare individuals for personal and family life as they merge the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. Abundant opportunities are provided for students to develop the knowledge, skill, attitude, and behaviors for:
Promoting optimal nutrition and wellness
Developing culinary skills, expressing creativity, and practicing food preparation
Exploring diverse cultures and their cuisine
**FACS courses include Food & Nutrition, Fitness & Food, Food & Culture, Advanced Foods, Event Planning, and Career & Financial Management and Career Exploration Internship**
Little Known Facts about FACS:
Did you know that you can earn college credit through Buffalo State University for several of our FACS course offerings?
Did you know you can earn a Regents or Advanced Regents diploma using a FACS sequence?
Did you know that you can earn a CDOS Designation and a Career and Technical Education Endorsement by taking FACS classes?
Check out the course description guide or speak with your guidance counselor for more information!
Attention All Freshmen: Consider Joining the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism!
The Lancaster Academy of Hospitality and Tourism (AOHT) focuses on preparing students for careers in the service industry including travel, hospitality, marketing, transportation, education, healthcare, real estate, entertainment, mass media and so much more! Through our partnerships with local businesses and Buffalo State University, Lancaster is able to provide our students with a wide variety of career choices in the customer service, hospitality, tourism and restaurant industries.
Curriculum includes a concentration in both business and hospitality with courses in:
Sports Marketing
Business Planning Entrepreneurship
Career Success Strategies
Financial Literacy
Event Planning
Hotel/Restaurant Systems
Food Prep/Culinary Arts
Travel and Tourism
Major benefits of the Lancaster High School AOHT:
AOHT offers dual enrollment opportunities with Buffalo State University which enables AOHT students to earn up to 24 college credits while taking courses at LHS and completing the AOHT program.
Industry experience/Disney trip to participate in their Youth Education Series program (As permitted)
Leadership and event planning opportunities within LHS and the Lancaster community
The academy application process begins in January 2025. Please contact Ms. Wilson in room 219 at LHS, (email kwilson@lancasterschools.org) or plan on attending the Academy Information Night for more details.
News From the Health Office
Sign-Ups For Spring Sports
Spring sports are around the corner. The first day of practice is scheduled to start March 17, 2025. Please check the Athletic Department’s web page frequently for information regarding the Spring athletic season, including online sign-ups which begin February 3rd.
All athletes must have a current physical (within one year of the season start date). Physicals are due to the Health Office by Monday, March 3rd.
Send physicals by:
Student drop off in the Health Office
Fax: 716-686-3268
Email: pscarpello@lancasterschools.org eceppaglia@lancasterschools.org
If we do not have the paperwork in the Health Office by March 3rd, there may be a delay for the athlete to start the season.
School physicals for spring sports are scheduled for Thursday, March 6th. If you want your student to get their physical done by the school physician, you must call or email the Health Office by Friday, February 28th.
If there are any questions, please call the Health Office at 716-686-3266 or 716-686-3343.
If your student receives a physical in the middle of the year, don’t wait to send it in. Please send it in today. Thank you!
Seniors And Their Parents
Senior immunization records are currently available to print on the parent portal. They will be available to you from now until July 1st. You are welcome to print as many copies as you need for college admission requirements, employers, etc. Please keep a copy for yourself for future needs.
After July 1st, your child’s name is removed from the portal and it will be more difficult to obtain these records, which may cause delays.
Sick Students
Please do Not send your child to school if they have a fever or are not feeling well. To reduce the risk of illness, please stress the importance of the following with your child: washing hands frequently; avoid close contact with people who are sick; avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth; do not share drinks.
2024-25 Student Parking Information
24/25 Student Parking Registration Form
How to purchase a parking pass:
Step 1 Please read the parking rules listed below carefully. Fill out all required fields on this form, including uploading a picture of your driver's license and vehicle registration where indicated on this form. To access the form, students must be logged in with their Lancaster account.
Step 2 Pick up and pay ($50) for Parking Pass in the cafeteria on Wednesday, August 28th from 8 AM - 10 AM and 1 PM to 3 PM. Once the school year starts, you can go to room #102 (Assistant Principal's office) to purchase your parking hang tag. We accept checks made payable to Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) or EXACT cash. We do not have change to give, if you are paying in cash please have exact payment. We are not set up to accept credit card payments.
Step 3 Your parking pass must be displayed on your rearview mirror facing out whenever you are parked on campus.
1. Driving to school is a privilege, not a right. All general rules of the building also apply to the parking lots and school grounds. Violation of any school rules/policy, including the Driving/Parking rules, may result in parking privileges being suspended or revoked without a refund. This will be reinforced by administration.
2. The parking hang tag issued to the student must be visible at all times, on the rear-view mirror facing out.
3. If your car breaks down and you borrow a car temporarily, you may move your parking pass from your primary vehicle to your temporary vehicle. Parking hang tags cannot be transferred to other students, if done, the hang tag will be confiscated without a refund.
4. It is the responsibility of the student to report lost or stolen permits to room 102. Lost/stolen permits found in use will be confiscated.
5. Students must obey the posted speed limit and drive in a prudent and safe manner.
6. The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of the student parking lots and inspections of the exterior and interior of student vehicles while on school property.
7. All parking violations/tickets are issued by the Lancaster town police department. The parking violation fine is $25.00 and is payable to the Lancaster town court, not the school. It is up to the discretion of the Lancaster police if a parking ticket is issued, warnings are not given.
8. Students may park in any student spot in the north lot, south lot or field house lot. There are plenty of student parking spaces available. Please DO NOT park in a faculty spot, in front of the building, or in an unauthorized area. This may result in a parking ticket and/or tow.
9. Please report vehicle make/model and license plate number changes to room 102. Lancaster High School reserves the right to perform checks to ensure that the vehicle registered at the time of the parking permit purchase is the same.
10. Lancaster town police supervise the outside campus area. Please keep your cars locked at all times. Lancaster high school is not responsible for lost/stolen property or damage while on school grounds.
11. Parking permits from previous school years are not valid.
College & Trades Visits
Military Visits
Mandated Freshman and Transfer Student Parent/Guardian Meeting
These meetings are mandated for parents/guardians of incoming freshmen and transfer students.
Informational letter about the mandated parent/ guardian meeting -coming soon.
ADA Compliant version Informational letter about the mandated parent/ guardian meeting - coming soon.
Below is the link for the Mandated Parent Meeting for Incoming Freshman and Transfer Students Only:
Parent Portal Registration/Annual Verification
The Parent Portal provides you with 24/7 access to your child's academic information. With a Parent Portal account, you may log on at any time to view your child's report cards and attendance.
If you haven't already done so, register for your account here. The video resource below can help walk you through the process.
**Registered users who have forgotten their password please contact eschoolportal@lancasterschools.org .**
Click the image to start the video on how to create your Parent Portal account.
It is important that you log in to your Parent Portal account at the start of every school year to verify your contact information. Building level and district level communications through the School Messenger program utilize this verified information to send emails, texts, and phone calls. If your information has not been verified, you may miss out on important information!
Fire Inspection Notice
Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 1/1/25-1/1/26 for the school buildings and facilities of Lancaster Central School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein, has been completed and the report thereof is available at the district office located at 177 Central Avenue, Lancaster, NY, 14086 for inspection by all interested persons.