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Lancaster Central School District

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Databases, Encyclopedias, and Other Resources

Britannica Encyclopedia


Facts on File/Infobase Learning

GALE Databases


Literary Classics & Mythology-World Religions-Sports in America

Maps 101

An online learning program that provides subscription access to historical maps, interactive maps, US maps, world maps, flags, atlases, lesson plans, and thousands of educational resources to support learning of social studies, history, and geography in today's classrooms and libraries


This database consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents and other publications. Teachers may also utilize lesson plans, timelines, and hot topic resources. 

Rosen eBooks

Rosen Reference eBooks

Salem Press 


Scholastic Go Encyclopedia 


Royalty free music library that meets all the licensing and technology requirements needed for education! Downloadable MP3 format for use in PowerPoint, MovieMaker, etc.

World Book Encyclopedia